1975 - ASM #146 - Electroman Wants To Learn You!

Today frequent comic book advertiser the Cleveland Institute of Electronics steps it up a notch. It's not enough for you to be deathly jealous of your more successful friend's life to sign up for a career "in electronics."

No sir, they've called in a friend. They've called in... ELECTROMAN

That's right, Jim. Electroman wants you to know two things: one, that his name is written on his shirt. And two: don't give up on your future! CIE can help you "bust-out" into a rewarding job. Find out how. Just fill in and mail this coupon today. He'll see that you get your two free books.

That's right, Electroman's powers are... DUH... getting you free books when you mail a coupon in.

Also I assume by bust out he was comparing your career to when he just demolished someone's brick wall three panels prior.

By the way, you think CIE got the same illustrator that drew Pajama Man?

This ad for the Cleveland Institute of Electronics was from Amazing Spider-Man #146, July 1975.


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